How to know if your cat is healthy without going to the vet

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Cats are masters of disguise and are great at hiding their pain. My kitty spends 4 to 5 hours just grooming herself. By the end of her grooming, her coat looks shiny and seems healthy from the exterior. However, this exterior appearance can lead majority of cat parents to believe their kitty is healthy when they are not.

There a number of diseases and illnesses your kitty could have that are not very obvious just by looking at them. Being aware of the symptoms can avoid chronic health issues in your cat. The earlier you diagnose them, the more effective the treatment will be. This will help give your cat a better quality of life and keep them purring for even longer.

In the Meow world, being sick is a sign of weakness. Cats unlike dogs do not give you signs of being sick. Instead, they try and hide their sickness.

Cats do live socially but they are solitary hunters. They are independent and are not used to relying on anyone else for help. This makes it even more important for you to be aware of the signs your kitty might show when its not feeling too good.

How to know if your cat is healthy

Start the health check process from the head and go all the way back to the tail so that you don’t miss out any areas.


Look your kitty straight into their eyes. Your kitty will look cute but focus and start examining them.

The pupil or centre of the eyes should be equal to each other. If you notice your kitty’s eyes are puffy, swollen, red, blinking excessively or have an abnormal discharge, consult your vet as it may be a cause for concern.


Check your cat’s ear by gently pulling the ear outward. Begin with the ear flap or outer ear. If you notice redness, swelling or a strong odour there could be something wrong. Ear mites are quite common and look like dark brown debris.  If your cat scratches around the ear repeatedly and has an abnormal discharge it could be mites and they can be quite pesky.


Getting your cat to open its mouth can be tricky. I usually bribe mine with her favourite treat. Start with the gums. The colour of your cats’ gums should look pink.

Press your finger and let go, you will notice while your finger is pressed it has a slight discolouration. Once released, the blood flows back and the colour changes to red or pink. The same way, if you gently press on your cat’s gums, it should immediately go back to a red or a pinkish colour. That’s a sign your cats’ gums are healthy.

Teeth should be clean and white. Regular brushing of the teeth clubbed with some fun chew toys and oral gels will help slow down the tartar formation and avoid dental problems in the future.

Fur Coat

Run your hands from the head to the tail in a slow movement. Feel the texture of the fur coat. It should be soft to touch and shiny in appearance. If you find it dry or flaky, it could sometimes be due to hormonal or allergic problems. Regular brushing and removing excess hair will help regulate blood flow and give your cat a healthy fur coat.

Lumps & Bumps

Run your hands from the head to the tail in a slow movement. Feel the texture of the fur coat. It should be soft to touch and shiny in appearance. If you find it dry or flaky, it could sometimes be due to hormonal or allergic problems. Regular brushing and removing excess hair will help regulate blood flow and give your cat a healthy fur coat.


Apart from having the cutest tushies, your cat could have worms or excessive faecal matter present as well. Lift the tail up gently to get a better view of their anal area. It should look pink. If you notice it to be red, swollen, excessive debris or faecal matter there, it could mean your cat might be going through some diarrhoea or some kind of irritation.

How to tell if your cat has worms?

how to tell if your cat is sick

If you find your cat losing weight but has a bloated stomach it could be caused by worms. Lethargy, coarse fur, diarrhea, scratching are a few symptoms of worms in cats. You can check for worms by inspecting their poop. If your cat has worms, they will appear externally. You can keep the worms away with some preventive de-worming treatments.

Signs your cat is sick

Inappropriate elimination 

If your cat is not using litter box all of a sudden, and they start peeing or pooping all over the house, there could be something wrong. (link)


Cats hide when they are ill. Outdoor cats move far away from their area and hide. Indoor cats may hide and isolate themselves from their family. They may not show any interest in food even if it’s their favourite treat.

Increased aggression

If they get snappy, untouchable and aggressive, they could be in chronic pain. They could have a tooth ache, suffer from arthritis or even a sore back. Their natural response is to get cranky because of the pain they are in.

Things you can do to keep your cat healthy

Get your cat to drink enough water

Cats often don’t drink enough water. This could lead to problems like urinary tract infections and blockages. Your kitty should get access to fresh clean water every day.

Tip – Try adding some water to a recently used cat food can. Your cat will love this broth and lap it up like it’s a treat.

Cats salad 

Since cats are carnivores, they don’t need a lot of plants but a little bit is essential for their digestion. Make sure you give your furry friend some fresh cat grass from the pet store or any plants that are safe for cats.

Catnip, cat grass, basil and lemongrass are some safe plants you could give your kitty.

Fish (Omega 3)

Feed them a good amount of fish as they contain fatty acids which are good for skin, joint and vital organ health. Boil some fish and voila! you have a meal that’s good for your kitty and it will surely make them go Meow!

Love & Positivity 

Cats always know what’s going on and are in tune with your energy. When you are relaxed and positive, your kitty can feel it. Regular grooming and creating a loving environment will surely add a few more years to your furry friend’s health.


Cats are pretty hard to read. Being aware of these signs and cat’s body language will help identify problems sooner and get your kitty the treatment it needs.

What’s more? These easy steps can be done at home. The more you do it, the easier it gets to spot any abnormalities. We recommend you check your kitty’s health 2 to 3 times a month.

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