Why is my cat vomiting undigested food hours after eating?

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Is your cat throwing up after eating?

Cat vomiting is all too common in many households. Hairballs are the #1 reason for vomiting in cats. If you see no hairballs in the vomit, it could also be due to gastro-intestinal discomfort such as indigestion, constipation and blockage. Sometimes, cats puking can be an indicator of other underlying health issues.

Why is my cat throwing up undigested food?


When your cat vomits undigested food, it’s usually due to Hairballs. My cat puked the day before yesterday and again today. The other day we spotted a medium sized hairball in her vomit, so we applied some coconut oil on her paw yesterday (just in case there are more hairballs) and today she threw up undigested food. This by the way is not uncommon to us; It has happened a few times before as well and now she is under observation. If your cat is throwing up food but acting normal, it may just be a case of stuck hairballs.  

Cat eating too fast

In most cases, when cats eat fast, they tend to eat a lot more than usual. Cat dry food absorbs water and expands in their digestive system making things a bit uncomfortable, and BARF – Out comes the food.

While vomiting in general is not normal in cats, I know that most of the time, my cat overeats and throws up. Often times, cats eat quickly when they are gluttonous or sense food-bowl competition from the other cat(s) in the house. Feeding cats next to each other can trigger a change in the speed at which they eat. If you have multiple cats and one of them eats faster than the other(s), it’s best to maintain separation between them in order to discourage them from eating quickly.

To slow down a cat who eats too fast, get a cat puzzle feeder or put something obstructive in their food bowl such as a medium sized golf ball (one that they won’t eat or swallow). You may also try feeding them in a large food bowl so that the food is spread out and takes longer to eat. These tricks should help slow down the speed at which your cat eats and hopefully stop the vomiting. However, if it persists even after slowing them down, it may be a sign of some other health problem.

Food Allergies

Food allergies happen when cats become allergic to the protein contained in their favorite food. It can happen regardless of whether your cat has been eating the same brand of food for years or if you introduce a new brand of cat food. Food allergies are usually accompanied by vomiting and chronic itching and are diagnosed using a specific type of diet. Talk to your vet if you see the symptoms of food allergy in your cat.

Gastro-Intestinal problems

Cats may vomit due to indigestion and constipation. If your cat has an upset stomach or some other intestinal problems, they usually vomit undigested food. If this happens, try switching their food to something basic like boiled chicken or fish. It usually works for our cat. A diet based of light chicken or fish, might help restore your kitty’s digestive functions.


Whether your cat ate something she shouldn’t have or it’s the hairballs. If your cat vomits twice a day for more than a couple of days, you should see a vet without delay.

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