Why Can’t My Cat Meow Properly?

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Kitties are one of the most lovable pets in the world and it’s easy to see why! They are absolutely adorable; fun to be around, and can make you laugh until you fall. If you have a furry friend, you may have noticed that not all meows sound the same. Some kitties actually make different noises when they meow, and this may lead you to wonder why my cat can’t meow properly.

How Do I Know If My Cat Has Laryngitis?

The most common symptom of laryngitis is difficulty in vocal cord vibration. Cats with Laryngitis have a difficult time making their voices heard, and instead of meowing, will typically cough or growl. Other symptoms include difficulty in breathing, coughing, and weight loss.

The easiest way to tell if your kitty has laryngitis is by the sound of their voice – if they sound hoarse or raspy, there’s a chance that they have laryngitis.

If you notice any difficulties in vocal cord vibration, this could be a sign of laryngitis. If you are unsure as to whether your fur buddy has this condition, it’s best to speak with a vet. Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, while a respiratory support medication such as corticosteroids might be needed for more severe cases.

Why can't my cat meow properly?

Cat Laryngitis Home Treatment

If your kitty’s voice has changed, and your cat does not naturally meow, it is more likely that they are trying to tell you something rather than just being unhappy, some kitties with laryngitis will stop making any kind of noise whatsoever.

It could be an indication of pain or illness in the throat, mouth, or lungs, so it’s important to take care of them with some remedies you can start at home.

Increase the humidity in the room with the help of a humidifier or running hot water in the bathroom, and keep the room warm so the kitty’s throat doesn’t get sore or dry and they get some relief from pain.

You can help your kitty by wiping your kitty’s nose with a dry and clean cloth and are able to breathe easily. Try to boost your kitty’s immunity by feeding them a proper diet with good supplements and can recover faster. Check on your them every now and then to make sure they’re feeling well and play with them to keep them distracted. Have a happy & positive atmosphere as they pick up on your energy.

Can cats lose the ability to meow?

Laryngitis in cats is the same as having a cold or an allergy in humans. Kitties do not naturally meow, and those who cannot have a hoarse, growling sound instead of the usual kitty sounds we are used to hearing like purring and hissing. The larynx controls vocal cords which produce cat sounds including mewing, purring, and hissing. 

Felines with throat inflammation may have difficulty breathing which could affect their ability to meow. Throat inflammation is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi that cause irritation in the throat lining.

Cats going through hormone changes may also experience voice changes including losing the ability to meow for short periods of time.  There are many possible causes of laryngitis and some may go away on their own while others may require veterinary care.

Why can't my cat meow properly?

Why does my cat's meow sound weak and raspy?

Kitties do not naturally meow, but they may still vocalize with a variety of sounds like hissing, purring, and growling. The reason your kitty’s meow may sound weak or raspy is that your cat may find it difficult to produce a loud sound and compensates for this by using the same muscles thereby producing weak meows.

Cats also may be unable to control how much air gets into their vocal cords, which affects their pitch. If you are concerned about your kitty’s meow sounding weak or raspy please see a veterinarian as soon as possible! 

Should I be worried if my cat can’t meow?

Some cats prefer communicating with their Humans by purring, chirping, meowing or sometimes even use their inner humming voice. If your fur baby cannot make any noise at all, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed by a veterinarian. 

Sometimes, kitties use non-verbal communication when unable to communicate vocally. For example, when trying to get your attention your cat might rub against you or run in front of you as if to say hey! Look over here!. If your cat makes no sound or noise at all it definitely is something to worry about. Do not take it lightly. Finding the root cause will help you and your cat reach a happier space.

Why can't my cat meow properly?

Cat Notes

There are many reasons why kitties may be unable to meow. Some cats may not have the physical ability to make sounds, while others may have an issue with their voice box, or their vocal cords. It is best to take them in for a check-up with your veterinarian.

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